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Beyond Blue
The national depression initiative. Information on depression and related conditions
A website for information on depression for sufferers and their families. Useful information and support
British Society for Sexual medicine
A society for patients and clinicians promoting research and exchange of information for sexual dysfunction in men and women.
Relationships Australia
Core site for relationship issues. Information, links and local courses etc on all aspects of relationship difficulties.
Western Australian Sexology Society
WA multidiscipliniary society affiliated to national and international sexology societies. Promotes education in the study of sexology. Based at Curtin Uni, Perth
Society for human sexuality
An intersting American site with offbeat information on just about anything sexual
Philosophy of Tantric Sex
An introduction into the world of Tantra and Tantric Sex.
Kinsey Institute
To promote interdiscipliniary research and scolorship in the fields of human sexuality, gender and reproduction.
His and Hers
Medical articles and updates on male and female sexual dysfunction.
Dr Gabrielle Morrissey’s home site is a good source of general information on sexology and has some very good links.
Heart Foundation
informatiuon about assessing and managing cardiovascular risk
Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic
Good information site for both health professionals as well as patients on all aspects of sexually transmitted infections.
government sponsored infrmation site all about chlamydia infection
Black Dog Institute
Depression website
Pelvic Pain
A sight looking at pelvic floor pain and muscle treatment
Bettina Arndt
Bettina’s new development is a profile service for online dating sites. She offers to develop your profile for maximal  advantage


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  • Public Speaking


    ABC Radio 1999-2000 Monthly talkback slot on the Verity James Show ABC Radio 2003-2004 Interview and talkback: Darwin and Perth […]


    “S.O.S.” 1995 3x 2hr meetings on Adolescent Suicide Prevention. (SKB) “Insights” 1996-1999: 9x3hr meetings on primary care psychiatry (Roche) “Youth […]


    < Family Planning WA 1996-2016 I teach sexual function, dysfunction and management at both the doctors and nurses family planning […]

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